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Чем отличается F9F-6 от F9F-8 


Вот здесь полезное про отсекатели пограничного слоя.

After looking at lots of pictures, my guess is that it was incorporated at some point between BuNo 141157 (no splitter plate) and 141172 (splitter plate) and was not retrofitted to earlier Cougars except for at least two -8s that were used for Grumman flight test. (The F9F-8Ps and F9F-8Ts were all produced with splitter plates.)

With two exceptions, I've not seen a picture of a overall-blue Cougar with the splitter plate. One is BuNo 131894, which appears to be dedicated to test, and the other is the sole Blue Angels' single-seat F9F-8 with a splitter plate, BuNo 144279 (it also had the mounting point for the inflight refueling probe).

Early gray/white F9F-8s did not have the splitter plate. Another exception to BuNo 141157 or earlier not having it is BuNo 141140, which did, shown here. Again, my guess is that this was a Grumman test article.


Ну и подборка отличных фото




Edited by Tali
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Максим, спасибо! Порадовал !

Предупреждение !!!  Если кому чего приглянулось на "эксчейндже" - качайте сразу ибо у них есть одна нехорошая черта - фотки через какое-то время исчезают навсегда.

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Я на разведчик смотрю, а они синими не были, насколько я успел фото изучить...

Ginter пишет, что синими из длинноносых были только первые два прототипа (127216 и 131063) .

т.е синего опять не будет ... ;)


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Примечание к модели 1/48 Kitty Hawk F9F-8/F9F-8P

Just a note on this model - the tailplanes will need their elevators re-scribing in or the existing "panel lines" deepening.

The tailplanes were variable incidence I believe, but not "all flying" ( like an F-4s) - so there still needs to be an elevator  hinge line shown, with its balance outbound - see this pic of an -8T. Its the same on the -8 and 8P





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