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Tanmodel Buccaneer S.Mk2 1-48 - рендеры


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29 минут назад, Tali сказал:

Bucanneer seat render.jpg


что это за чудище ?  :lol:

у турков явно проблемы с глазомером - пропорции деталей на рендере вызывают содрогание

дизайнер поделки мог бы спросить сам себя: а где же пилоту сидеть ?  -  ведь для человека на турецком троне просто не остается места  :lol:



одним словом - турки... ))))))))))))


ps  смахивает на то, что сидушка нарисована в 72-м, а верхняя ее часть - в 48-м.  Троллят ?

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  • 9 months later...

Апдейт, если это можно так назвать

Dear TANMODEL followers and our modeller friends;

I was thinking of informing you for some time but unfortunately it was not possible due to our busy works throughout the day. Therefore, I believe that it is the right time to share an explanation without further delay.

Buccaneer is the first project among those TANMODEL Ltd team (including me) loves very much and would like to offer you the best. We were planning to prepare the kit with a 1/72 scale of considering the British market, however we also put 1/48 scale kit project to our agenda due to strong demands from other markets. We would like you to know that there were no up-to-date kits in the market for a long time and that we prepared the 3D design very carefully and very detailed as the expectations increased, and that we designed some special part breakdowns for you. Besides, we would also have some surprises in the box. Of course we want to offer you these project with a reasonable sales price tag and we have some plans for this: For example, like opening a moldshop for ourselves in Istanbul (TURKEY). The reason for us to focus on local projects is not to finance our other projects but to create the technical infrastructure which would allow us to open a moldshop.

Would our projects be realized if we did not open our own moldshop? Of course our projects will be realized... Already we manufactured the 4 projects we launched before with the moldshops with which we cooperated. Another important detail: We are moving one step forward with each project and we are conducting R&D studies to increase the product quality (snap fit style part fit designs, smooth plastic surface quality, slider-mold designs, P.E. detail sets etc.). We will use the experience we gained on our new projects such as Buccaneer and Su-33.

You may see all details of our Buccaneer project on Scale Aircraft Magazine (SAM) which is the most attentive media follower of this project within a few months/issues.

We can say (write) that for now we may not have a fast manufacturing program but the properties you would find in a TANMODEL product will be: Scale-Shape accuracy, modeller friendly part breakdowns, full box content, fast or slowly accomplished projects.

Properties which you may not find in a TANMODEL product: Unstable product quality, empty box content, weird online marketing campaigns, manufacturing schedule-project changes focus on competitor brands.

We are following the messages you write on forums or in social media carefully and we are very happy about the ideas you declared. Forums and social media are for this anyway. We are using the forums/social media posts relevantly and we become online in forums/our social media accounts for the following reasons:

1- To announce our new projects and/or for updates
2- To complete our missing information and to collect information from you (modellers)
3- To provide you with correct information about us and to answer your questions.

Information required to follow us and to contact us are given below. Our doors are open 24/7, after all most modelers would confirm this :-)

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  • 10 months later...

Бгг... прошел год и опять почти такое же сообщение - типа были страшно заняты, но вот теперь освободились и в 2019 году все будет.

We regret to inform you that we are unable to meet our deadline on the 1/72 and 1/48 scale Buccaneer S.Mk.2 and 1/32 Su-33 model kit projects as we promised previously.
We would like to offer our most sincere apologies for this inconvenience. Our manufacturing department (also our 3D design department for some external works) has been overwhelmed with excessive workload as the demand for one of our most popular item has exceeded our expectations and our stock is depleted.
However we happy to inform you that we are back on the track and reorganized our schedule.
And we will be delivering the new products as promised in 2019 year.
Our customers and followers are the highest priority and delivering the best quality customer service experince as well as the high-end quality products is our only goal.
We will also be announcing our next projects as well.
Once again, we would like to offer my apologies for the delay and the inconviniance we have caused.

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