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Полосы вторжения-Invasion strips D-Day 06.06.1944

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Copy No. 38

18 April, 1944




The object of this memorandum is to prescribe the distinctive markings which will be applied to US and BRITISH aircraft in order to make them more easily identified as friendly by ground and naval forces and by other friendly aircraft.


a. The instructions contained herein will apply to the following types of US and BRITISH aircraft: (I) Fighters and fighter bombers. (2) Tactical and photographic reconnaissance aircraft. (3) Aircraft employed in spotting for naval gunfire and field artillery. (4) Light bombers. (5) Medium bombers. (6) Troop carrier aircraft, including four engine types. (7) Glider tugs, including four engine types. (8) Liaison aircraft and Air OP's employed in forward areas for fire spotting and adjustment or for advanced aircraft control. (9) Coastal Command, Air Sea Rescue and disembarked Fleet Air Arm aircraft except seaplanes and four engine aircraft which need not be marked.
b. These instructions will not apply to the following classes of aircraft:(l) Four engine bombers. (2) Air transports. (3) Gliders. (4) Night fighters. (5) Seaplanes.


a. The instructions contained herein will be effective on the day of the assault and thereafter until it is deemed advisable to change. Aircraft will be given distinctive markings as shortly before the day of the assault as it is possible in order to protect the effectiveness of their use.
b. These instructions are in no way intended to change the present US and BRITISH national markings now in use, namely: the USAAF white star on a white horizontal bar; and the RAF red, white and blue roundel.


a Single engine aircraft. (I) Upper and lower wing surfaces of aircraft listed in paragraph 2 g above, will be painted with five white and black stripes, each eighteen inches wide, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the airplane, arranged in order from center outward; white, black, white, black, white. Stripes will end six inches inboard of the national markings. (2) Fuselages will be painted with five parallel white and black stripes, each eighteen inches wide, completely around the fuselage, with the outside edge of the rearmost band eighteen inches from the leading edge of the tailplane.
b. Twin engine aircraft. (I) Upper and lower wing surfaces of aircraft listed in paragraph 2 g above, will be painted from the engine nacelles outward with five white and black stripes, each twenty-four inches wide, arranged in order from center outward: white, black, white, black, white. (2) Fuselages will be painted with five parallel white and black stripes, each twenty-four inches wide, completely around the fuselage, with the outside edge of the rearmost band eighteen inches from the leading edge of the tailplane.
c. Four engine troop carrier aircraft and g lider tugs. (I) Same as for twin-engine aircraft, wing stripes to be outboard of the outer engine nacelles.
d. Stripes will in no case be painted over the national markings, which take precedence. Wing stripes will extend from leading edge to trailing edge of wings. Special equipment, such as deicer boots, will not be painted over.
e. Types of paint to be employed: (1) USAAF Units - as directed by the Commanding General of the Air Force concerned. (2) RAF Units - as directed by the appropriate BRITISH agency.
f. At Appendix' A: are sample sketches of aircraft painted according to these instructions.


Army, Navy and Air Commanders will disseminate complete information concerning these distinctive markings to all troops under their commands no earlier before the day of the assault than will insure the complete distribution of the information.

By command of General Eisenhower:
W. B. Smith
Lieutenant General, U.S. Army,
OFFICIAL: Chief of Staff.
Major General, G.S.C.,
Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3.

Приказ поступил в части вечером 3 июня 1945 года и лихорадочно выполнялся вплоть до вечера 4 июня, так как начало вторжения первоначально было намечено на 5-е. При этом есть многочисленные свидетельства того, что его нередко нарушали и красили полосы без соблюдения требований по размеру и размещению.

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27 минут назад, pentagonschik сказал:






........Приказ поступил в части вечером 3 июня 1945 года и лихорадочно выполнялся вплоть до вечера 4 июня, так как начало вторжения первоначально было намечено на 5-е. При этом есть многочисленные свидетельства того, что его нередко нарушали и красили полосы без соблюдения требований по размеру и размещению.

Вполне возможно, многие не владели английским. По этому косячили...

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